Building Brand Love
Creating brand love starts with excellent product performance and a positive consumer experience. But because of some surprising features of the human brain, as many brands have discovered, quality and performance are not enough.
Building Brand Love is Aaron’s most popular talk. Unlock the secrets to creating a brand that people truly love. You will learn the insights and strategies that will allow you to connect with customers at an emotional level. Don’t just build a brand; create a love story.

Is Brand Love Bullsh*t?
Some thought leaders will tell you that they have the answer, the one solution to every problem. Like any good doctor, Aaron knows that no single medicine will cure every disease. Brand love can be amazingly powerful, but it’s not the right fit for every company or organization. This talk gives you the straight dope on when striving for deep emotional connections with customers is likely to work, and when other strategies make more sense.

Aaron’s fun and engaging style makes his talks as enjoyable as they are useful. Lots of speakers have pull quotes from friends praising them. But here are some comments from anonymous evaluations.
“Fascinating. It made me see marketing through a new lens.”
“Entertaining and easy to digest.”
“He knows how to make a talk worth showing up to. In the past, I’ve dreaded going to these things, but this one I thoroughly enjoyed and looked forward to attending more.”
“Incredibly interesting”
“Everything was relevant, and there was no filler.”
“Extremely knowledgeable, keeps everyone captivated.”